Dynamics 365

We have deep experience in Microsoft Dynamics 365. This includes upgrading on-premise systems from older versions. When we took on a new client we inherited responsibility for an old Dynamics CRM 2011 install that was heavily customised, very large (around 500GB) and seriously out of date. The update path was thus very convoluted requiring multiple steps from CRM2011 to 2013, 2015, 2016, 2016 sp 1 and finally to D365 9.0.

Workflow Consulting managed to achieve this in two steps – first going to CRM 2013 and running live with a second jump going through all the other upgrades to the final version. The whole upgrade was achieved out of business hours with no lost work time.

This process taught us a lot about the problems that can be encountered with upgrades, what to look out for and more importantly how to overcome them. Contact us if you would like to leverage our experience for your own upgrades.

We also have experience of integrating other systems with Dynamics CRM – including scheduled data loads and extracts, scheduled reporting, direct integration with custom desktop applications (that can be opened from the CRM webpage and will return data to the page). In addition to the simpler customisations of forms, views and business processes we have developed custom plugins and form controls to better align CRM to specific business needs.